Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Cost of Delivering a Baby in Malaysia

Delivering in Government vs. Private Hospital 

The cost for prenatal visit in Malaysia at private gynecologist was around RM100 per visit without any medication or supplement (ultrasound plus consultation). Staying in Serdang area in Selangor, I recommended Dr. Leong from Equine Park and Dr. Tan Ee Ping from Serdang Perdana. Both of them were very well known for their good service and careful examination. As for the cost for delivering a baby in Malaysia, it varied from less than RM100 for government hospital up to RM6000 for private hospital like Pantai hospital for a natural delivery. On top of that, if you failed your attempt to deliver naturally and change to cesarean last minute, the charges would be "charges of natural delivery" plus "charges for cesarean" and that would cost around RM10k or even more in a private hospital.

Since I stay in Serdang, the nearest choice of hospital would be Hospital Putrajaya and Hospital Serdang. Hospital Putrajaya offered private service as "fully paid patient (FPP)" and the charges for delivering a baby naturally there is around RM2500 in 2012. However, there are limited place for delivering and hence booking have to be made in advance for FPP.  Shall you arrive at Putrajaya Hospital and they are full house, they will refer you to Serdang Hospital. As for Serdang Hospital, it was a government owned hospital with 8 delivery rooms. My 2 others colleagues and I delivered here (3 babies) healthily and two of us had successfully delivered naturally. We are overall very pleased with the service provided. Two of our daughters were diagnosed with serious jaundice after birth and they were fully taken care by the pediatrician after birth. My daughter was under 3 UV lamp 5 days after birth during which I have stayed in the hospital with her to take care of her. Luckily it was subsidized by government and the total charges for the 5 days admission (with antibiotics injection, series of details blood test, food and accommodation) was only RM85. A friend of us had their baby admitted to Columbia hospital in the same year for two days and they were charged RM1500 for UV light treatment. I hence highly recommended Serdang Hospital as hospital of choice for delivery and baby care. It really save us a lot of money for life to go on. We have paid our income tax anyway right? :D

Anyway, one of the "disadvantages" of giving birth in government hospital is that you will not be given the choice to choose a caesarian nor injection of epidural for a no-pain delivery. Caesarian will only automatically be carried out if the doctor found there was no way a natural delivery is safe for a pregnant women or a natural delivery had failed and the life of the baby is by then being  threaten. I have read the book published by CAP (Consumer Association Penang) regarding the side effects and disadvantage of epidural and hence I did not plan to use it as well. I can borrow you the book if you want :D .

I will not say everyone delivered in Serdang Hospital will have good comments on it but it had previously fully met my expectation. I will be delivering my next baby there next year and let just cross finger and pray that everything will go smoothly. 

p/s: My second child was safely delivered at Serdang Hospital, natural delivery without any complication (thank God). We were charged for RM26 upon discharging the next day.